Monday, March 13, 2017

5 Times Women Threatened False Accusations to Force Men Into Sex

Over the last few years, leftists have been talking extensively about "rape culture." Their comments and bogus statistics (like the one-in-four estimate) have crossed the line to hysteria, while ironically ignoring the plight of male rape victims. Even worse, they ignore the power that rape culture hysteria has given to evil women - including female rapists.

Here are five women that raped men with the threat of false accusations.

Tina G. Thomas

Tina G. Thomas is a sociopathic 46-year old woman that had a very twisted infatuation with her friend's 16-year old son. Thomas allegedly invited the boy to go to the store with her to buy milk. On the way, they stopped at a porta-potty on the way home. Thomas reportedly told the boy that she would accuse him of rape if he didn't have sex with her.

"The victim said they drove to a porta-potty, where Thomas told the victim he was going to have sex with her. The victim told deputies he did not want to. That's when the victim claims Thomas threatened that she "would tell everyone that he raped her". The victim said he engaged in intercourse with her in order to save himself from that kind of allegation."

Kimberly Sheppard
Kimberly Sheppard is another 40-something woman that was just so desperate to have sex with a teenage boy, that she allegedly resorted to threats of false accusations. According to the Toledo Police Department, she told the boy that if he didn't have sex with her, she would tell his mom that he raped her.

"According to court documents, she allegedly raped a boy who was younger than 16 on June 13 and threatened to tell his mother that he had raped her if he did not comply."

Sara Meghan Henderson

Sara Meghan Henderson was a 40-year old woman that was charged with forcing a 16-year old boy into performing oral sex on her. According to Elizabeth Mohr of The Pioneer Press, she told the boy not to tell anyone or she would blame the whole thing on him.

"A 40-year-old woman allegedly forced a 16-year-old Stillwater boy to perform a sex act on her, warning him if he told anyone she would deny the whole thing and blame it on him."

This is exactly what she did after the boy reported her to the police. While she was the one that was charged, she still only faced one count of  criminal sexual conduct with a child. She was convicted and later sentenced to a whopping 44 days in jail.

Unknown Perpetrator (Dear Abby)

According to a letter to Dear Abby, a woman said her husband was the victim of sexual abuse in high school - at the hands of his female cousin. His cousin had threatened to accuse him of rape if he didn't perform sexual acts with her. The acts didn't involve intercourse, but still left a profound emotional scar on him for years. She only stopped after finding a boyfriend.

Unknown Perpetrator (Reddit)

A few years ago, a woman on reddit posted a story with a "Confession Bear" picture. I can't find the link (one is under the Internet Archive), but will update this story later if I do.

She claimed that when she was 16, she forced a guy she babysat for to have sex with her by telling everyone that he had with her if he didn't comply. She made the threat after propositioning him several times. 

I wondered at first if this was a troll, but checked their comment history (the post was made two years earlier). All of their recent posts were in r/twoxchromosomes, a subreddit for women and talked about very mundane things (like buying their first bra, dealing with guys at work, their favorite sport in high school etc.), so it seems the poster really was a woman. 

She could have ruined the guy's life after, since he did actually have sex with her and no one would have believed him. However, she clearly chose not to.

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